StarWorks! The best thing to happen to American Training and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission SINCE SLICED BREAD!
The over-achiever of Employment Services is happy to announce the arrival of our newest team member-Elena Perez.
Who is she?
Elena, who is naturally fluent in American Sign Language, was hired to work with our Guests who are Deaf or Hard Of Hearing! She’s only been here for a few weeks but has already proven to be a great asset to our American Training family. Her work with our Guests who may have barriers to employment due to lack of communication access has already made a huge difference in the lives of those we serve. Many of our Guests have already been working steadily to search for employment, gain employment skills and training, as well as learn how to communicate more efficiently within the community.
How does she do it?
While many of our Guests use American Sign Language, some do not and may be limited speakers of English. Elena works hard to meet each Guest’s individual needs through communication methods involving telephones, video phones with access to American Sign Language Interpreters, Live Action Closed Captioning (CART), email, text, or a unique combination of any and all services available!
Our favorite thing about Elena is her willingness to share her knowledge! She hopes to teach our Colleagues and other Guests how to communicate with one another and integrate sign language into our everyday lives!
Find out more!
Check out more about how Elena and our entire team at StarWorks can serve you or your loved one by visiting our page here!
Elena works hard to meet each Guest’s individual needs through communication