Lawrence, MA – April 22, 2011 – Despite a continuing sluggish economy and anticipated cutbacks in funding, the LARE Training Center’s Tradition of the Easter Bunny’s visit and handing out chock-filled baskets continued once again to delight the children of many LARE Students.
“As long as we can find a way, we will continue to put smiles on these children’s faces!” That is the sentiment expressed by Tom Connors, President and Chief Executive Officer of LARE and American Training. “This may be the only Easter Basket these kids get. All of us here at LARE are thrilled to be able to make Easter special for each and every one of them.”
There is more to this story though. It is much more than baskets filled with candy and sitting on the Easter Bunny’s lap for a photo. For many of our Students these small luxuries are out of reach; especially this year. And the magic of these childhood moments can feel lost on parents. At LARE Training Center we understand this from both personal and professional experience. LARE’s Students, who vary in age from teens to adults, are often under the pressure of raising their children while busily attending school full-time. Such a commitment is not easy to keep and follow-through to the end.
LARE Colleagues decided 5 years ago that they would not let these special moments slip by for their Students. LARE Teachers, Job Developers, and Counselors give up their personal time to create a memorable Easter Event. This does not mean something as simple as giving out eggs to the Students to take home. This is a full-blown production. The cafeteria of American Training is transformed into a magical land differing each year depending on the theme. This year the transformation created an Easter Bunny Park, in which the Easter Bunny was the Guest of Honor. And he was more than delighted to sit for photos in an elaborate, decked-out Easter Basket.
“Priceless” is the only word to describe the excitement seen in each child as he or she anxiously waits in line for their moment with the Easter Bunny. Amazingly, parents are just as excited for the opportunity to have their picture taken.
Over 120 hand-crafted Easter baskets were handed out with each child’s name personally written. Between the decorations, music, and snacks this truly was a moment to be remembered by both children and parents alike.
This Event also highlights the WOW! philosophy and culture of LARE and American Training. Colleagues spend hours, well after midnight, transforming their cafeteria into an Easter wonderland because they are committed to making every Event a WOW! An outrageously memorable Event that is not soon forgotten. It is a philosophy so celebrated by our Colleagues that these sacrifices of time and effort are not even acknowledged as such. To a LARE and American Training Colleague giving of oneself to improve the lives of others is second nature. The WOW! Philosophy means putting FUN & Entertainment into every moment. And why do they do it? Because ultimately, they know every LIFE Matters. Especially the lives of the Students they service.
This event is just one of the many moments in which LARE and American Training go above and beyond what is expected; taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary. Whether it is creating an event that may, otherwise, not be possible for a Student to celebrate, to finding clothes for an interview, or just someone to talk to, LARE Colleagues have a reputation for always being there for their Students in whatever capacity they are needed.
The LARE Training Center is a Division of American Training with sites in Lawrence, Chelsea, and Lowell, MA. Throughout its 30 year history, LARE has been operating award-winning education, occupational skill training, and job placement programs to youth and adults. Licensed as a private business and trade school by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Proprietary School Division, LARE is recognized as one of the most successful programs of its kind in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
What a heartwarming initiative! It’s amazing to see LARE and American Training go above and beyond to create such special moments for their students and their children. The dedication and effort put into making Easter magical truly show how much they care. This kind of support makes a real difference in people’s lives—huge respect to everyone involved!