You may have seen him around Campanelli Drive, making friends, getting social. He’s our newest family member, Kevin Farrell.
Kevin recently joined us as the Director of Development and we’re very excited! He has a long history with agencies that serve individuals with disabilities including the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission in Boston and later the Northeast Independent Living Program, Lawrence.
Kevin and his family have resided in the Merrimack Valley for over 35 years. He brings his extensive experience and is very passionate about raising funds so that we can go forward in providing services for individuals with disabilities, our Guests.
Among his hobbies he has been a member and former board member of the Seashore Trolley Museum in Kennebunkport, Maine which preserves and restores examples of America’s transportation past. He is a member of the Elks and The American Legion.
“I look forward to working with everyone at American Training, Inc. to generate additional resources and funding to help us continue to do the great job that happens at ATI,” he said.
Welcome, to the family, Kevin!
Welcome Kevin!!!
Welcome aboard Kevin!